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Monday, March 17, 2014

New Retention Possibilities for Polar Compounds using Cogent Diol Column

TYPE-C Silica™ columns can be used for separation of a variety of polar compounds.  The new Cogent Diol™ column makes an excellent addition to these stationary phases. Consisting of a short alkyl chain with vicinal alcohol groups, this material has additional separation capabilities compared to other phases. Since it is on a TYPE-C Silica™ surface, the bonding is very strong and durable. The diol group can interact with analytes via hydrogen-bonding interactions, resulting in new selectivity. 

In the following example, we demonstrate the capabilities of this intriguing material. The test solutes chosen for the separation were seven common hydrophilic vitamins. The results show that baseline separation could be obtained for all seven analytes. The retention range is adequate as well, with no analytes eluting at the solvent front or sticking to the column. Peak shapes were sharp and symmetrical, and no tailing was observed. 

This column makes a wonderful addition to the TYPE-C Silica™ line of HPLC columns and should be a great benefit to every chromatographer’s toolbox. 

1. Ascorbic acid
2. Niacin
3. Riboflavin
4. Folic acid
5. Pyridoxine
6. Metformin
7. Thiamine

See the following link for full details: